
In undertaking a Co-Major in Indigenous Knowledges and Practices, students will be introduced to Indigenous Knowledges from a broad lens that extends beyond social sciences, including health and physical sciences and education.The Co-major will provide students with both complementary and alternative worldviews to Western-based disciplinary knowledge. Students will cover topics … For more content click the Read More button below.


Academic Chair

Available in courses

B1419 - Bachelor of Biomedical Science
B1345 - Bachelor of Criminology
B1356 - Bachelor of Arts
B1418 - Bachelor of Forensic Science

Admission requirements

Special requirements

Learning outcomes


Develop informed, appropriate and innovative approaches to contribute to positive social change within their future fields of practice.


Understand and articulate how contextual factors contribute to contemporary circumstances for Indigenous peoples and communities. 


Recognise the interdisciplinary nature of Indigenous Knowledges and be able to apply them within their practice.


Demonstrated capacity to apply critical reflection and analytical thinking in integrating Indigenous and Western knowledge systems.


Demonstrate ability to engage thoughtfully and meaningfully with the public discourse around Indigenous affairs.


Engage in constructive intercultural communication to advance respectful and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous peoples and communities.


Prepare a range of resources that respond to matters of importance in Indigenous communities.