
Explore different perspectives of crime as you investigate why people commit offences, how to reduce or prevent crime, and how to help both victims and offenders involved in the criminal justice system. Choose a major  from: Crime Science, Criminal Behaviour or Legal Studies.  Combine up to two majors or add … For more content click the Read More button below.


Academic Chair

Admission requirements

Entry requirements (onshore)
Entry requirements (transnational)
English language requirements

Learning outcomes


Describe the social, psychological, legal, technological and policy influences on criminal behaviour, policing and/or investigation methods.


Evaluate the scientific evidence on the development, maintenance, investigation and/or responses to criminal behaviour. 


Critique the social, psychological, legal and/or policy influences impacting on First Nations and CALD members of the community.


Apply criminological theory to specific crime issues and/or cases to provide evidence-based responses.


Identify, attain and synthesise current criminological literature to produce a variety of  communications suitable for a range of audiences.


Discuss and/or critique professional standards, such as confidentiality, research ethics and/or client ethics, and recognise diversity within these standards. 

72 credit points

Options27 credit points