
Global Challenges holds that new forms of education are required for workers in societies transformed by new technologies and by changes in the modes of social interaction. A new techno-social environment is reorganising types of work and the ways people undertake their work. Some jobs are being lost, while others … For more content click the Read More button below.


Academic Chair

18 credit points

Learning outcomes


Explain what Foresight is and how it can be employed to prepare for the future.

  1. Emerging in 1st year: Describe the fundamentals of Foresight.
  2. Developing in 2nd year: Apply knowledge of Foresight to research projects.
  3. Accomplished in 3rd year: Apply the Foresight methodology to create projects that articulate a vision of our future.

Explain how informatisation and datafication are changing industry and are leading to the development of new industries.

  1. Emerging in 1st year: Describe how informatisation and datafication are changing industry.
  2. Developing in 2nd year: Assess the demand among industries for technological and data-based decision making.
  3. Accomplished in 3rd year: Analyse how datafication and informatisation are changing industries and identify opportunities for new industries.

Explain how digital trends in society will affect human health and well-being, and relationships with others
in their future

  1. Emerging in 1st year: Describe how technology is changing our way of life, work habits, and relationships.
  2. Developing in 2nd year: Articulate strategies to succeed as a freelancer or in rapidly changing industries.
  3. Accomplished in 3rd year: Reflect on the skills and mindsets that are needed to adapt to the changing labour market

Use digital platforms and analytics to conduct and persuasively communicate evidence-based projects

  1. Emerging in 1st year: Work with video and social media platforms to communicate research.
  2. Developing in 2nd year: Use databases effectively to create research projects with the capacity to create data-driven solutions.
  3. Accomplished in 3rd year: Use multimedia presentations to communicate a pitch, underpinned by the use of data analytics.

Professional outcomes

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