
Prepare to succeed at the top. Your career has seen you lead teams and contribute to a broad range of corporate strategies leading to high performance. This path has made you a high performing manager but there is more you want to accomplish. Focusing on Leadership, Strategy and Innovation, this … For more content click the Read More button below.


Academic Chair

Admission requirements

Enrolment restrictions
Entry requirements (onshore)
Entry requirements (transnational)
English language requirements
International availability clarification

Learning outcomes

Demonstrate an advanced and integrated understanding of the fundamental theories and concepts in leadership, strategy and innovation
Apply critical analysis and reflection to ethically research, synthesise and evaluate complex information, problem, concepts, interpretations and theories to demonstrate cognitive and technical skills in leadership, strategy and innovation
Effectively disseminate analysis to a variety of audiences using highly developed communication skills and work productively within a team of peers in the field
Demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability, creativity, and responsibility to resolve challenges and problems posed as a learner and practitioner in leadership, strategy and innovation

Professional outcomes

Accrediting bodies

Additional information

Research areas:Business and Management