
Exercise Science and Psychology are complementary disciplines and the skills and knowledge within both will set up students to be successful in either discipline. For students who go on to work in Exercise Science area, the addition of Psychology will support them in implementing interventions with both individuals and groups. … For more content click the Read More button below. Throughout your studies in Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science, you will develop skills and knowledge in exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor control and sport and exercise psychology. This will allow you to develop industry-relevant knowledge and skills to turn your passion for sport, exercise and health into a career that contributes to a healthier community. You will become competent in prescribing exercise, as well as assessing and improving the movement of both athletes the general population. In your third year, you will apply your knowledge and skills while gaining hands-on experience by participating in an industry practicum. Students in the combined degree will be provided an opportunity to gain skills directly related to Sports Psychology practice. The Bachelor of Science in Psychology will equips students with broad theoretical and practical knowledge of psychology as well as job-ready skills in analysis, writing, research, communication, and teamwork. Psychology is a varied discipline encompassing many aspects of human behaviour from individual differences such as personality and cognitive ability, to emotions, motivations, memory, and social influences. The course will provide the foundations for a professional career as a Psychologist, but also offers a range of additional career options including health, and rehabilitation, community work, marketing, counselling, human resources, and research, to name just a few. At Murdoch, we teach the established basis of psychological knowledge and methods integrated with the latest developments and exciting new trends in the field.

Admission requirements

Entry requirements (onshore)
English language requirements

Learning outcomes

Describe human physiology, psychology, biomechanics and motor control in the context of exercise science.
Discuss the scope of practice for an Accredited Exercise Scientist and appropriate referral pathways.
Create and develop exercise programs for apparently healthy clients and sporting populations.
Utilise and interpret appropriate assessment tools.
Communicate effectively to clients and other health professional.
Utilise the principles of Evidence Based Practice by evaluating the scientific literature and client needs to create appropriate exercise interventions or advice for apparently healthy clients or sporting populations.
Demonstrate knowledge of the core concepts in psychology.
Demonstrate knowledge of the major methods of investigation used in psychological research.
Demonstrate knowledge of the ethical and legal frameworks that apply to the profession of psychology.
Communicate psychological knowledge, adhering to current conventions within the discipline.
Present a sustained argument that synthesises psychological research to address a topic.
Critically evaluate arguments and empirical research.
Independently conduct a literature search for a particular purpose.
Design empirical studies to answer questions about human behaviour and mental processes.

96 credit points

Alternative exits

Students may exit with either the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science or the Bachelor of Science (Psychology) provided they have met the complete requirements for those programs.

Professional outcomes

Professional recognition
Professional accreditation
Accrediting bodies