
The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is 1.75 years full-time equivalent (or 2.75 years part-time) initial teaching qualification for graduates who hold a Bachelor's degree in a non-Education field relevant to secondary teaching. It offers graduates a professional preparation for teaching in secondary schools, or for a wide range of other … For more content click the Read More button below. The Master of Teaching (Secondary) enables students to develop the specialist knowledge, skills and capabilities for successful engagement with the teaching profession. Graduates will have advanced and integrated understanding of the body of knowledge appropriate for secondary school practitioners, and will have acquired the expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills necessary to practice independently in the classroom. Students are supported in becoming effective educators with a strong grounding in learning, teaching and curriculum. Professional Experience is a key component of the degree, and internship arrangements with selected partner schools provide students with opportunities to engage with schools and the broader community throughout the course. The Master of Teaching enables graduates to develop the understandings and capacities to be teacher/researchers, agents for change, and socially just practitioners. The degree provides a foundation for further professional development and scholarship. Graduates of the Master of Teaching (Secondary) are eligible to apply for registration to teach in Australian schools.


Academic Chair

Admission requirements

Enrolment restrictions
Inherent requirements
Special requirements
Entry requirements (onshore)
English language requirements
International availability clarification
Additional progression requirements / restrictions

Learning outcomes


Demonstrate and apply knowledge of secondary school students and how they learn through context-specific lesson planning, resource design and enactment of teaching.


Demonstrate and apply knowledge of context specific content and how to teach it through context-specific lesson planning, resource design and enactment of teaching.


Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.


Proactively create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments through context-specific lesson planning, resource design and enactment of teaching.


Demonstrate knowledge of assessment strategies, a comprehensive feedback repertoire and school-based reporting of student learning through assignment tasks, lesson planning and enactment of teaching.


Engage in professional learning through unit and practicum experiences.


Engage professionally with colleagues, teachers, parents/carers and the community through unit and practicum experiences.

Professional outcomes

Professional recognition
Professional accreditation
Accrediting bodies