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Learning activities
Learning outcomes
Develop their understanding of the advanced nursing competencies relating to the care of patients with multiple health needs and/or injuries
Identify, analyse and discuss legal and ethical issues relating to nursing practice in complex illness/injury.
Discuss the nursing assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care in a range of complex illnesses/injuries.
Integrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and nursing evidence based practice into a variety of complex scenarios involving multi system failure and/or injury
Apply the nursing process and critical thinking in critical care nursing.
Develop essential nursing skills relevant to critical care settings that ensure safe, effective and evidence based nursing practice for patients whilst promoting a therapeutic nurse patient relationship
Additional information
Modules One – Three Complex patient case studies with multiple comorbidities of patients with complex respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Practical and Theory including:
• Use the nursing process to apply current evidence based nursing practice
• A-E assessment
• Clinical skills - Intervention and management of a critically ill patient using the A-E assessment including:
• airway management including suctioning, OPA and NPA adjuncts
• Assessment of Breathing and use of BVM
• Assessment of circulation including central and peripheral pulses
• Assessment of GCS, pupillary responses
• Documentation of the critically ill patient including emergency care documentation
• Immobilisation
• Intravenous therapy
• Serology and ECG interpretation
• Complex intravenous (IVI) infusions (NSQHS Standard 4 & 5)
• Electrolyte imbalance
• The role of the nurse in the emergency setting including triage.
• Advanced life support
• Care of the deteriorating patient
• Quality improvement in critical care
• Medication administration – intravenous (IV) bolus and antibiotics (NSQHS Standard 4 & 5)
- Complex infusions (NSQHS Standard 4 & 5)
- Health informatics & health technology in complex care nursing
- PCA administration (NSQHS Standard 4 & 5)
Module Four – Simulated acute ward. Practical and Theory