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Learning outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of fluid, acid-base and electrolyte disorders.
Demonstrate an understanding across the lifespan of trauma, shock, cancer and, burns
Apply knowledge of the assessment, diagnosis and pharmacological management of fluid, acid-base and electrolyte disorders.
Apply knowledge of the assessment, diagnosis and pharmacological management of trauma, shock, cancer, burns
Additional information
Modules One – Three Complex patient case studies with multiple comorbidities in critical care environments. Practical and Theory including combinations of:
Fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders
- Overview of fluid and electrolyte balance and imbalance
- Care of the patient suffering sepsis
- Assessment of the fluid imbalanced patient including Circulation in the A to E approach
o Dehydration
o Fluid loss
o Overload
- Pharmacological assistance in fluid management
- Commonly administered IV fluids
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Acid-base imbalance and regulation of acid-base balance
Trauma and shock
• Types, and effects of trauma
• Assessment of the trauma patient – A to E approach
• Trauma scoring system
• Management and types of shock
o Hypovolaemic
o Cardiogenic
o Neurogenic
• Cellular homeostasis and haemodynamics
• Volume resuscitation therapies
• Blood transfusions, group types and compatibilities,
• Multiple injuries
• Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome
• Pharmacological adjuncts to trauma care
• Pathophysiology
• Assessment of different cancers using a systems and top down approach
• Incidence and mortality
• Aetiology
• physiological and psychological effects
• management and treatment including pharmacological treatments
• Pathophysiology
• Types
• Assessment using A to E approach
• Burn classification
• Burns healing
• Minor/major burns
• Pharmacological management including
o Analgesia
o Fluid management
o Blood pressure regulatory medications
Module Four – Simulated acute ward. Practical and Theory