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Enrolment rules
Completion of 24 points of 200 and 300 level units is required for enrolment in this unit. (AA)
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Learning activities
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Learning outcomes
Students will develop broad and coherent knowledge of global media governance issues that are core to media and communication theory.
Students will apply and further develop research and writing skills by identifying key governance issues, explaining problems or concerns arising out of these issues, and propose recommendations to address them in their assessments.
Students will develop global perspective as the unit will embody diverse global examples, and will also apply forms of ethical thinking and practice in interpersonal, social and professional contexts.
Students gain professional knowledge of global media policies and governance issues that will improve their employability in the field of communication on completion of this unit.
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Additional information
Unit content:Introductions
Topic 1 Media Governance
Topic 2 The Global Public
Theoretical Positions
Topic 3 Governmentality and Panoptic Power in Governance
Topic 4 Cultural Citizenship and Civil Society
National Contexts
Topic 5 Global Media, Cultural and Creative Industries
Topic 6 Media Literacy and Social Surveillance
International Contexts
Topic 7 Global Communication Perspectives
Topic 8 Communication as Progress
Digital Media, Disruptions and Internet Power
Topic 9 Piracy, Copyright and the Digital Sphere
Topic 10 Internet / Cyber-sovereignty in the Region
Topic 11 Topical Feature/Case Study
Topic 12 Unit Revision