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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in Doctor in Veterinary Medicine. Students who have not completed VET618 must enrol in VET643 concurrently with this unit.

Other learning activities

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes

Use evidence-based medicine to appropriately manage cases typically seen in equine general practice at a level acceptable to the profession and their stage of career. This includes diagnostic work-up, interpretation of ancillary tests and correct treatment.
Perform a complete clinical examination of a horse and demonstrate clinical problem solving skills based on body systems (lameness evaluation, colic triage, etc)
Safely handle and restrain horses in order to examine, diagnose and treat them.
Communicate using context-applicable language at several levels acceptable to the profession and their stage of career
Identify challenges and rewards of particular importance to equine practitioners such as ethical, financial and self-care considerations.


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Additional information

Unit content:This unit comprises a total of 12 weeks designed to obtain a broad range of experience within the field of equine practice. This encompasses critical thinking skills, application of theory and concepts, thorough understanding and recall of key knowledge learnt from earlier relevant units and the ability to integrate this knowledge into the clinical context. During the intensive internal component of the course key topics such as lameness diagnosis, ultrasonography, radiography, endoscopy, surgery, field anaesthesia and dentistry will be covered in depth. The majority of this unit however will be completed at external equine practices, ideally 2 weeks at each practice, subject to approval by the unit co-ordinator. There is also the option to spend 2 weeks in an unrelated discipline of the students’ choice. Prior to each placement, students will develop a list of objectives they wish to cover at the placement and a case log of cases seen will be kept.