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Learning outcomes


Demonstrate a sound understanding of the legal, political and moral issues relating to juridical norms whose purpose is to protect human rights;


Explain the international human rights’ treaty and customary international law regimes and their main features


Explain the role of the UN, NGOs and Inter-government organisations in promoting and protecting human rights


Describe the role of the institutions and mechanisms that make up the core international human rights system


Critically assess the legal and political significance and deficiencies of international human rights instruments and institutions.


Conduct independent research in the field of international human rights law and theorize on human rights law concepts.


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Additional information

Unit content:

This unit will review the legal nature, content and application of international human rights. It will also explore the ways in which these rights can be protected enforced and promoted. It will also focus on the nature, origins and operations of international human rights organisations; including the United Nations, NGOs and Inter-government organisations. Human rights standards as set out in international and regional treaties and declarations will be considered, as well as the ways that these fundamental human rights standards are protected and enforced through international, regional and domestic mechanisms. Modern case examples will be used to highlight and illustrate some of the challenges inherent in the legal protection of international human rights.

Other notes:

The ST3 enrolment option for this unit is offered as part of the International Human Rights Law Program usually offered in Geneva, Switzerland, however it will be offered online in 2020 Contact the School of Law for further information.