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Enrolment rules

Enrolment in the Bachelor of Education and successful completion of the pre-requisites.

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Learning activities

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Learning outcomes


Develop the knowledge and skills to evaluate education settings in relation to their “inclusiveness”;


Develop a sound understanding of many of the significant issues and the public policies surrounding the education of children who require teaching and learning adjustments and inclusive pedagogy in the Australian and international context;


Analyse situations and select appropriate strategies for creating cognitively challenging and emotionally safe learning settings to meet the diverse need of all students.


Develop knowledge and skills in identifying, assessing, planning and teaching for diverse learners;


Gain increased understanding of particular disabilities and/or special needs and giftedness and talent and the possible impacts on development.


Develop a broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander backgrounds.



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Additional information

Unit content:

Topics covered:  Inclusion in Context – Historical and contemporary; Legislation, Teaching Standards & Policies; Teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students; Differentiation and UDL; Learning Difficulties & Learning Disorders; Cultural and Linguistic competency; Language and Communication Difficulties; Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders; Students with Intellectual Disabilities; Students with Medical and Mental Health needs; Students who are Gifted; Students with Physical Disabilities; and Students who are Twice Exceptional.