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Learning outcomes
Articulate how to implement assessment in VET courses in the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) within the context of Australian VET system.
Plan, design and organise assessment in VET to meet specific learner characteristics.
Design, develop and use VET assessment resources and tools.
Plan and conduct VET assessment validation practices.
Review, design and implement teaching and assessment strategies to support the language, literacy and numeracy needs of learners in VET.
Additional information
This unit covers the following key concepts and topics:
• Philosophy and design principals of competency-based assessment
• Australian VET compliance policy, systems and structures
• Planning, designing and organising assessment in VET for groups and individuals
• Designing and developing VET assessment resources and tools
• Assessment validation practices
• Addressing language, literacy and numeracy needs of VET learners
Applicants must be able to demonstrate vocational/industry competence and experience in a VET learning/content area.