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Learning outcomes
Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the differing concepts and theories of leadership and management
Critique the concepts of distributed leadership and of an engaged enterprise
Exhibit specialist communication and effective interpersonal skills to specialist and nonspecialist audiences
Employ individual and team learning strategies that promote intentional learning and autonomy
Reflect upon the role of personal assumptions and actions in shaping leadership and engagement strategies
Display the capability to think across cultures and contexts
Integrate knowledge of ethical issues into professional practice
Additional information
This unit approaches leadership from a different perspective. MBS663 locates leadership within the strategy process and distinguishes leadership from management. Traditional theories of leadership (Great Person, trait, contingency etc) are introduced but are not focussed upon. Instead we delve deeply into leadership as a capability that an engaged enterprise needs to develop. It relies heavily on the Sloan Distributed Leadership Model and draws on Ronald Heifetz’s work on Adaptive Leadership. This unit proposes that leadership arises when facing adaptive challenges. Along the way, you will be exposed to a variety of activities to facilitate the development of self-awareness. This self-awareness is an important prerequisite to developing capabilities within the individual or within the organisation so as to build the engaged enterprise. The nature of employee engagement is examined and its importance in how leaders manage and lead when confronted with paradoxical challenges.