The aim of this major is to train an adaptable animal scientist who will find employment in a wide range of agricultural industries. The major will be excellent preparation for a career in animal agriculture and the animal research industries. In the first year, students will be introduced to the … For more content click the Read More button below.
Academic Chair
24 credit points
Major24 credit points
Available in courses
B1376 - Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Sciences)
B1393 - Bachelor of Agricultural Science / Bachelor of Business
B1391 - Bachelor of Agricultural Science
B1410 - Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Science)
Admission requirements
Entry requirements (onshore)
English language requirements
Learning outcomes
Apply and communicate knowledge of the principles and concepts of livestock farming systems in global and regional contexts
Critically review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge related livestock animal sciences
Apply innovative analytical and technical skills to identify and solve problems relevant to livestock industries using evidence-based practice
Effectively articulate livestock science concepts to scientific peer groups and the broader community
Demonstrate application of professional practice and integrity in a range of professional settings
Work effectively both independently and in team environments
Reflect critically on professional experiences in support of lifelong learning and professional identity
Professional outcomes
Professional recognition
Research areas
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
Biological Sciences
Medical and Health Sciences