Admission requirements
Learning outcomes
Determine an appropriate level of teaching skills to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners.
Evaluate and articulate practical strategies for creating rapport with and guiding children's' behaviour to support their well-being and safety and to maximise learning opportunities.
Design learning programs that meet statutory curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements.
Prioritise achievement of AITSL Graduate Professional Standards and ACECQA Curriculum Requirements.
Appraise diagnostic and assessment data to evaluate children's learning and differentiate teaching practice and apply timely and appropriate types of feedback to improve children's learning.
Assess subject, cross-curricular and integrated curriculum approaches for Early Childhood Education and care settings and teaching in primary schools
Explain knowledge and understanding of the implications for learning of children’s physical, cultural, social, linguistic, and intellectual characteristics including principles of inclusion and strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of children across the full range of abilities.
Employ strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers, recognising their role in their children's education.
96 credit points
Alternative exits
Bachelor of Arts B1407