Admission requirements
Learning outcomes
apply an appropriate level of content knowledge, understanding and teaching skills to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners Years 1 to 6.
develop learning and teaching programs that meet statutory curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements.
analyse and interpret diagnostic and assessment data to evaluate students' learning, modify and differentiate teaching practice and apply timely and appropriate feedback to improve learning and teaching.
develop practical strategies for creating rapport with and guiding children's' behaviour to support their well-being and safety and to maximize their learningopportunities.
work ethically, collaboratively and with reflection
demonstrate achievement of AITSL Graduate Professional Standards through a portfolio.
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the implications for learning and teaching of children's physical, cultural, social, linguistic and intellectualcharacteristics.
demonstrate knowledge and skills to plan for and manage learning programs that meet statutory curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements for children from Years 1 to 6.