Admission requirements
Learning outcomes
Synthesize and apply appropriate curriculum content knowledge, pedagogy and practice to meet the needs of a diverse range of classroom learners Years 1 to 6.
Design, evaluate and apply learning and teaching programs that meet statutory curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements.
Analyse diagnostic and assessment data to evaluate students' learning, modify and differentiate teaching practice and apply timely and appropriate feedback to improve learning and teaching.
Evaluate, select and apply pedagogies which facilitate rapport with children, respond to their behaviour, and support their well-being and safety, to maximize learning.
Critically evaluate and apply a high standard of professional ethics, collaboration and reflection.
Evidence and reflect on enactment of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers - Graduate Teacher Level (AITSL).
Evaluate and apply professional knowledge and practices relevant to children's' physical, cultural, social, linguistic and intellectual characteristics and their learning.
96 credit points
Alternative exits
Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies